Monday, June 22, 2009

Define Nerd.

I think I can do it, define 'nerd' that is. 
I believe I can because the definition is a result from my own actions.
I recently sneezed and my nose started bleeding.
Pretty sure that is the definition of a nerd.
And I love it! :D


  1. If one included this in one's stage act, one could not rely on actually starting a nosebleed when you wished to. The Stage Manager would therefore call in the Special Effects Supervisor who would fix you up.

    After that, if the apparatus ever failed to give the appearance of a nosebleed whenever you blew your nose, you would hiss to the man at the side of the stage "NERD!"

    Not Enough Red Dye


  2. Holy crap is this true??
    That is hilarious! I have never heard that before!
