Sunday, June 21, 2009

WARNING: Rant Imminent...

So I just received a call from one of my Lecturer's at Uni saying that he hasn't received my first assessment for the class yet. I might like to add that I have, as of now, finished all of my FINAL exams as of a week ago. 
Not only did I send it in on time, I have a mark back for it, but here comes the major problem. About halfway through the semester, my computer completely fucked up, resulting with the loss of most of my music, three quarters of my photos and the large majority of my uni work. Included in this lost work is the assessment I have already submitted of which he apparently has no record. I now have to re-do the assessment (which was the hardest and longest assessment I have ever had to do) and submit it by friday or I will have an incomplete fail for my mark. RIDICULOUS!!
I am so angry right now. Actually, anger isn't even the word I would use to describe what I am feeling. I don't think there is a strong enough word for it yet...

On the upside, I have some followers. Although my goal isn't to have as many followers as possible, it is kind of nice to see that people are following me, like a sort of recognition thing i guess.
Might I implore you to view them all. They are quite good and very interesting/entertaining.


  1. Not just your comp. which lost the work - clearly your Lecturer did too.

    Huge sympathies.

    Thank you for the link and the plug!

  2. Smitty, I once had the same experience as you with my PC. Once I got it working again I went and bought a program called " Media Recover" once installed I was able to retreive quite sucessfully the majority of my suposedly lost data.
    I wish I could send the program to you but can do that. It was only $40.00AUD. Well worth the expenditure.

    Have you tried a data recovery service. Sometimes you can be lucky. All the best on that assignment.
