Saturday, June 20, 2009


What is it that attracts us to other people? Is it Looks? Is it Personality? Is it a blend of both? Or is it something we can not determine, is it merely a feeling?

I have been thinking about this for a while now. When I look at someone, I generally make a presumptive judgement as to whether or not I am attracted to them. This is being based on a purely physical judgement and nothing else. Is this fair to do? I don't think so, and yet, knowing this, I still go on and judge like crazy based on appearances. That being said, I have recently found myself less attracted to people I once judged as being attractive as I have gotten to know them. I found their personality to be terrible which has made me rethink my initial thoughts. I tend to find that this happens an awful lot. I sometimes find myself pondering on the thought that perhaps the visually impaired can make a better judgement on a person than I ever could as they don't have the physical interpretation of a person to distract them from the persons true self. (Sorry if that isn't politically correct but I can't help but wonder... also sorry if it is a touch confusing)

I have never experienced that 'feeling' that you supposedly get when you first see your true love. I have never had butterflies in my stomach when my eyes first glance upon that special someone. The nearest to that I have ever had is a strong stirring in my pants. I wonder if that feeling truly exists or if people that are in a happy relationship just say it to torment the single's in the world.

Now, when asked what type of person I am attracted to most, I find it difficult to answer. I find myself often attracted to someone because of one reason, be it their eyes, nose, arms, legs, ears, hair, dress style or something they have done that I thought was so (for lack of a better word) awesome that I wanted to have sex with them (sounds weird but it is true). However sometimes the whole package comes rolled up into one near perfect human. In this, I am including looks, personality (or what I have seen from them), personal style and overall general feeling I get when I see them. Not the butterfly feeling, more the pant stirring feeling. Well, I have decided that for me, this person is Matt Dallas. Known as Kyle from the T.V. show Kyle XY.

I actually found myself the other day watching Kyle XY, just staring at him, I didn't even know what was happening in the show, I had blocked out most sounds and all other visuals, bar him. It is a little embarrassing but I don't care.
I think I find his lips the most appealing. I enjoy the thin upper lip with a larger lower lip look.

Anyway, point of this blog was, I just wanted to know what makes people eternally attractive, can it just be a single element or does it need to be a mixture of looks and personality?


  1. Why not?

    Why should you not fancy an actor who has been chosen for a particular part on tv because someone responsible for such things thought he had the right looks, deportment and manner to fit the character part.

    So, in other words, you're not the first person to 'fancy' him at all. But horribly basically, you may simply be doing what the Producers of the show designed that you should do!

  2. I watched that "Kyle XY" show, too. It seemed to be like a modern-day version of "the Waltons".
